Frequently Asked Questions

The active ingredient in Nutrified is Zeolite Clinoptilolite, a natural aluminosilicate of sedimentary origin with registration number 1g568.

In addition, the product is free of artificial preservatives, colours, flavour enhancers or other additives.

Zeolite Clinoptilolite is a natural mineral, formed by the interaction of volcanic lava with underground alkaline waters. Its structure consists of a crystal lattice filled with trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium.

The mineral is characterised by special properties resulting from the crystallisation of silicate minerals, which form numerous micropores in the structure of its crystals. Thanks to this structure and its physicochemical properties, zeolite has the ability to strongly absorb heavy metals, toxins, radionuclides and free radicals.

Yes! Zeolite, when used in the correct amounts, is completely safe for your pet. According to the European Union Regulation, Zeolite Clinoptilite is a safe food additive for all types of animals.

In addition, our zeolite suppliers hold prestigious quality control certifications, including FAMI QS, ISO 9001 and the QS system, confirming that our product meets the most stringent quality requirements.

Yes, our product is safe for allergy sufferers.

In addition, regular use of the treatment can reduce allergic reactions when exposed to the allergenic substance.

Wet food – mix the product into the food.

Dry food – soak the food in a little water and then add the product.

Zeolite has no smell or taste, which means that even the pickiest pets can benefit from using the supplement!

  • Cleansing the body of toxins and heavy metals
  • Support of the metabolism
  • Prevention of diarrhoea
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Remineralisation of the body
  • Stabilisation of the digestive system
  • Regulation of pH

The product is not suitable for pregnant or lactating animals or puppies and kittens under 1 year of age.

Store the product in its original, undamaged packaging, sealing it tightly after each use. The storage area should be dry, clean and well ventilated.

(4 customer reviews)

Pure Goodness For Happy Tummies


100% pure, natural & activated Zeolite Clinoptilolite, 180g

Nutrified is a natural-mineral pet food supplement which improves the health and well-being of four legged friends. The odorless and taste-free powder mixes in with food to aid the digestive process, detoxify the body and prevent upset tummies.

Say goodbye to upset tummies, unwanted odors and toxins!

Suitable for adult cats and dogs.


Hurry Up! Only 31 left in stock.

  • Free Returns On All Orders
  • Free Delivery Over 150 PLN 120 PLN

100% pure, natural & activated Zeolite Clinoptilolite, 180g

Nutrified is a natural-mineral pet food supplement which improves the health and well-being of four legged friends. The odorless and taste-free powder mixes in with food to aid the digestive process, detoxify the body and prevent upset tummies.

Say goodbye to upset tummies, unwanted odors and toxins!

Suitable for adult cats and dogs.

4 reviews for Pure Goodness For Happy Tummies

  1. English

    Barbara Marcinkowska

    Nutrified to suplement, który warto mieć w domu, żeby wspomóc zdrowie swojego pupila. Znajdujący się w nim zeolit ma pozytywny wpływ na przewód pokarmowy, a przez to na cały organizm zwierzęcia. Zeolit pozytywnie wpływa na florę jelitową, wspomaga trawienie, a także wzmacnia system odpornościowy. Nutrified może też być bardzo pomocny podczas biegunek i zatrucia pokarmowego. Ponieważ produkt nie ma smaku ani zapachu, nie będzie wyczuwalny dla zwierzaka.

  2. English

    Barbara Marcinkowska

    Producent Nutrified na każdym etapie wytwarzania dba o to, by ograniczyć wpływ produkcji na środowisko. Jedyny składnik, minerał zwany zeolitem, jest wydobywany w sposób jak najbardziej przyjazny dla natury. Produkcja odbywa się pod ścisłą kontrolą i według najwyższych standardów. Dużym plusem jest bardzo wygodne, praktyczne opakowanie, które nadaje się do recyklingu. Dodatkowo jeśli zostanie nam trochę zeolitu, można go bez obaw wysypać na trawę, gdzie będzie użyźniać glebę. Nutrified można z czystym sumieniem polecić każdemu, dla kogo ważna jest troska o środowisko.

  3. English

    Dagmara Mieszkis-Święcikowska

    I’m keeping my fingers crossed for this line of products; they are certainly needed in our market. They will be tested by owners who are looking for natural products with a broad range of applications (preventing diarrhea, detoxifying the body, deacidifying, etc.). An advantage is the ease of administering the product – it can simply be added to wet food.

  4. Polish

    Dagmara Mieszkis-Święcikowska

    Trzymam kciuki za tę linię produktów, z pewnością są potrzebne na naszym rynku,
    sprawdzą je właściciele, którzy szukają produktów naturalnych o szerokim zastosowaniu
    (zapobieganie biegunkom, oczyszczanie organizmu, odkwaszanie itp.).
    Zaletą jest łatwość podania – można dosypać go do karmy.

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